Sunday, June 12, 2011

June events!

Hi there-

It has been a long time since I have blogged and I am going to try to get back in the swing. I figured I would dedicate an entry to my wonderful friend Danie's upcoming wedding! It is our major event this month and we couldn't be more excited. Friday the 17th we will be making our way to Lake George to enjoy a long weekend and Danie and Joshua's wedding celebration on the beautiful Lac Du Sacrement on Lake George. Being one of the bridesmaid, I am super excited to wear the gorgeous dressing she picked (navy blue with a champagne colored wasteline with gems in the front with these awesome champagne colored shoes). I have been tanning for 2+ weeks for the big event to try to get some color and not look too pale in the navy. So yes, we are very excited! And a long weekend is definitely needed with all the craziness in store at work. Anyway, I will post pics and more details after the big event!
