Friday, September 7, 2007

Quick Post

Hey everybody!
Sorry for the lack of posting in a week. This first week back to school has been crazy and busy. So I have like 2 minutes before I have to leave for class so I figured I'd type up a quick entry. I've been to 3 out of my 5 classes, going to the last 2 today. And they all seem pretty cool. The work isn't too bad and the professors seem really cool. So so far, I'm excited! I interned Wednesday and Thursday and am doing really well I think. I picked up the assessments really fast and I'm already doing things on my own so I think that is a good sign. I think my boss is pleased, atleast I hope! This is the first moment that I am realizing that my past internships have paid off by providing me with experience in the field and I feel like it is coming to me a little easier. Anyway, things are okay here. I am excited for the weekend and for my birthday! I have Lindsay's wedding to attend Saturday and I am going to a shore bar with my boy and the girls Saturday night so that should be fun. Oh and Sue, thank you for the bday card! I love it.. u know how I am about cards! I'll hopefully get to write a more exciting entry this weekend filling u all in on what goes on. Hope all is well! post more entries ladies!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you a great one!!