Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ten on Saturday

So one of my wonderful best friends Sue has been doing a blog entitled "Ten on Tuesday" which discusses Ten eventful or superb things that have occurred in the last weeks time. I decided to join in the fun- however figured I would change it to Saturdays.

1. I have decided to start blogging again this week as I haven't added an entry since 2007. I am very hopeful I can follow through on it.
2. It was my wonderful fiance's birthday this past week- Happy Birthday Anthony!
3. Today I am attending my soon to be sister-in-laws first Passion Party hosting. We discovered Passion Parties at a bridal show we went to and I thought it would be fun to host. We held the part a few months ago and had a good time. Such a good time in fact she decided to become a consultant. Today will be the first party where she is running the show.
4. After the party, with a few friends Anthony and I are heading to AC for his birthday for some gambling- lets hope we win big (referring to the debt discussed in last entry)
5. I got a text this afternoon that one my wonderful best friends discussed above was admitted to the hospital again with some disease complications. I will continue to hope and pray for a speedy recovery.
6. Per the knot, I get married in 434 days. woohoo!
7. I spent a good portion of my Saturday afternoon watching the Pirates of the Caribbean triology- got to love me some Jack Sparrow!
8. I ordered the final piece to my beautiful new bedding set that Anthony's stepfather bought us as an engagement gift offline last week. And it came in the mail today! yay

okay so I made it to 8. I am having writers block on the final 2. But I will do better next week. I am going to close out todays blog with some much needed advice- I am looking to get a part time second job during the holiday season to hopefully assist with the whole debt situation (Anthony and I hope to have our names mostly cleared by the wedding which is a very hard thing to do). Any recommendations on the best places to apply?


Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm Back

It has been since 2007 since I have written so I am not sure if anyone is even following me anymore. But I feel lately that blogging could do me some good so I am back. Ever have those days, weeks, or months where you feel so much anxiety and uncertainty that you don't know anything else to do but write? Well that is where I am. With all of the happiness that I should be feeling I do not know why I feel this way. But I seem to be bringing out the negative aspects of my life lately. For example, I am getting married in October 2011 which should be an exciting part of my life, right? Well instead of feeling the excitement, I keep thinking of the struggles. Struggles with our family dynamics, finances and the overall stressors that come along with wedding planning and moving forward. The finances being the biggest part. I think we can all agree that being in enormous forms of debt is never a good feeling. And although how hard we work, it feels we can never get out. I need to get out of this dark zone and get back to feelin like me. So like I said, I have high hopes that some additionally blogging will help get me back to me.
