Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm Back

It has been since 2007 since I have written so I am not sure if anyone is even following me anymore. But I feel lately that blogging could do me some good so I am back. Ever have those days, weeks, or months where you feel so much anxiety and uncertainty that you don't know anything else to do but write? Well that is where I am. With all of the happiness that I should be feeling I do not know why I feel this way. But I seem to be bringing out the negative aspects of my life lately. For example, I am getting married in October 2011 which should be an exciting part of my life, right? Well instead of feeling the excitement, I keep thinking of the struggles. Struggles with our family dynamics, finances and the overall stressors that come along with wedding planning and moving forward. The finances being the biggest part. I think we can all agree that being in enormous forms of debt is never a good feeling. And although how hard we work, it feels we can never get out. I need to get out of this dark zone and get back to feelin like me. So like I said, I have high hopes that some additionally blogging will help get me back to me.


1 comment:

♥ Dani said...

Blog it, baby! We'll be debt free & married soon enough, together! Love you!