Sunday, October 7, 2007

Been a while

Hey there ladies,

Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. I haven't had much to really write or have the time to really write a lengthy email. Things here are good.. I'm a 1/3 through my semester so that is awesome. I've already written like 6 papers and I have a few due each week so I'm busy doing that amongst everything else. My last day at the Xmas tree shop was last tuesday. Although I kinda miss it because of the people, it was a good decision. I think I might pick up some shifts and go back around the christmas season, but it just wasn't worth it right now. Things as a social work assistant are going really good. It's nice to feel like I really know what I wanna do... finally! I love workin in the rehab/nursing home. I like doing assessments and working on discharge planning. I actually enjoy it and my supervisor seems to think I'm doing awesome which makes it even better. Things with Ant are great.. we've been goin out with my friends every weekend dancing at one of my fav. bars in pt. pleasant and its been a lot of fun. It's nice to be with someone who gets along with my friends and likes to do stuff. He really makes me happy guys.. I can't wait for you to meet him. Anyway, I hope u are all well. I miss you all like crazy.

Love!!! me.


Unknown said...

awww... sounds like your living in goin' good!!

Katya said...

i just biked past the hotel we were talking about you staying at (seriously, it's so close to me) and i wondered if you have any idea when you're coming down? i'm excited to see you and meet ant!

♥ Dani said...

Dear Nikki,
Write in your blog. Okay thanks.
Love, Dani