Sunday, September 9, 2007


Hey everyone!
Happy Birthday to me! yay! I talked to/got messages/got cards from most of you, so thank you for that! With our busy schedules it means a lot to me that you remembered. I have been excited all week for my birthday and I'm happy to say I overall had a good weekend. Yesterday Ant and I went to Lindsay's wedding. Actually we went to the reception. The wedding was in Newark and we took a wrong turn and got so lost that we didn't even make it to the wedding. Therefore, we went to the reception. She looked beautiful. I am very happy for her and I wish her the best. It was nice to be able to see her and wish her well. Afterwards, Me, Ant and a bunch of my friends went out to this shore bar and went dancing. It was a lot of fun, I had a good time. Today we pretty much just hung around and relaxed, which is what I really wanted to do. Ant surprised me with a nice card and a cake so we made a nice dinner and ate cake while watching the VMAs. He really is the best boyfriend I could ask for and I had a nice birthday. Now back to reality and heading to bed early to get sleep for work at the nursing home tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww.. i love couples making dinner, it's so cute!