Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten.. but on Tuesday this time.

I have been trying very hard to keep up with blogging and thinking up clever things to write about. But unfortunately, it is not working out so well. So I am trying out another ten.. but on Tuesday this time rather than Saturday. Let's see how I do :)

1. Tomorrow I heading to Camden to see Rihanna with some girlfriends from work. I haven't been to a concert in a few years so I am super excited!
2. Friday I am heading to Lake George to go Bridesmaid dress/shoe shopping with my favorite ladies. I am really looking forward to seeing them and spending time with them.
3. Last week I found out from my father that he is getting remarried- so I guess I have another wedding to add to my planner in the next year.
4. Last Saturday I spent the day with my cousin-in-law Jackii and nieces Ava and Adrianna. Her girls are so fantastic and I especially love spending quality time with the baby Ava- she just melts my heart<3.
5. I went to drs. last Thursday and found only good news... which is the best news I have received in a while.
6. I put the new bedspread set that Ant and I got from our engagement party from his stepfather last week- and let me tell you it is all fluffy and is getting me excited for cold weather snuggling!
7. I watched the movie She's Out of my League or whatever it is called on Sunday night and I recommend it to all- very funny!
8. I have been suffering the last 2 days with some horrible bug bites from being out over the weekend- ick!
9. My netflix movie Remember Me came in the mailbox yesterday and I am very excited to watch some sexy Robert Pattinson!
10. My birthday is next month- the big 2 5- and I am very excited to start planning some quality time with Ant has we both took a few days off.

Yay I made it to 10! Hopefully more soon if I get creative. <3

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Upcoming weekend


I cannot believe it is already Thursday. The weeks have been flying by lately that before I know it the week comes and goes and then before I know it again the weekend has come and gone. These past few weeks especially have been grueling. Between numerous doctors appts and my work life I feel like my social/personal life is a lull. So tomorrow after work I have decided to head up to my moms for some much needed R&R. Hannah my niece will be there Friday night as well and she always brings an extra something when I am there. She is such a smart, beautiful little girl and I truly value any extra time I can get since she lives 2 hours away and our time together is scarce. So yes, that is my weekend plan. Next week is another busy week of more drs appts and long work days. lets all cross our fingers for good news and good things to follow.
