Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten.. but on Tuesday this time.

I have been trying very hard to keep up with blogging and thinking up clever things to write about. But unfortunately, it is not working out so well. So I am trying out another ten.. but on Tuesday this time rather than Saturday. Let's see how I do :)

1. Tomorrow I heading to Camden to see Rihanna with some girlfriends from work. I haven't been to a concert in a few years so I am super excited!
2. Friday I am heading to Lake George to go Bridesmaid dress/shoe shopping with my favorite ladies. I am really looking forward to seeing them and spending time with them.
3. Last week I found out from my father that he is getting remarried- so I guess I have another wedding to add to my planner in the next year.
4. Last Saturday I spent the day with my cousin-in-law Jackii and nieces Ava and Adrianna. Her girls are so fantastic and I especially love spending quality time with the baby Ava- she just melts my heart<3.
5. I went to drs. last Thursday and found only good news... which is the best news I have received in a while.
6. I put the new bedspread set that Ant and I got from our engagement party from his stepfather last week- and let me tell you it is all fluffy and is getting me excited for cold weather snuggling!
7. I watched the movie She's Out of my League or whatever it is called on Sunday night and I recommend it to all- very funny!
8. I have been suffering the last 2 days with some horrible bug bites from being out over the weekend- ick!
9. My netflix movie Remember Me came in the mailbox yesterday and I am very excited to watch some sexy Robert Pattinson!
10. My birthday is next month- the big 2 5- and I am very excited to start planning some quality time with Ant has we both took a few days off.

Yay I made it to 10! Hopefully more soon if I get creative. <3


♥ Dani said...

Remember Me is awesome/crazy/call me when you finish it. I want to see it again! I saw it in theaters and although I don't like Rob in the Twilight movies, I LOVED him in this! Can't wait to see you this weekend lovie! ♥

nik9985 said...

hey love- just saw this comment. LOVED remember me! the ending was crazy but I loved Rob in it:)