Friday, October 1, 2010

This Week


Although the month of September is over and I obviously was unable to keep up with the 30 days of me- I still thought this week, or in my case weekend, would be a fun entry. This is my next couple of days in a nutshell
Friday- Work. My friend's friend is holding a diabetes fundraiser at a local bar so I was possibly going to attend that. Otherwise I am going to finish cleaning up the house which I did a good portion of yesterday.
Saturday- Volunteering at the annual Family Fun Day at work. I am unsure of exactly which station I am going to be assigned to but I am sure it will be very busy. Saturday night I am going to my friend Heather's house from college and a bunch of my college girlfriends are getting together for dinner and drinkies.
Sunday- Running errands, food shopping, cleaning up rest of house, picking up outdoor furniture we lent to a friend and get it stored away for winter, clean out closets and finish laundry. Oh and I plan to update my wedding binder and print out the different examples of dresses I like for the big dress shop in 2 weeks. Thats about it for now:)

xoxo Nik

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i think it's funny that you say, "that's it for now"... it sounds like a lot, but a lot of fun things too!