Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

So I am taking a short break from the "30 days of me" to break down my much needed birthday vaca last week. For my big 2-5, Anthony and I met my grandparents in Hilton Head,
SC from Weds-Sun to get some time off from work and life in NJ. Here is how our days off turned out:
Weds- Woke up at 4a.m., starting on the road by 5a.m. Stopped a few times along the way and ended up in S.C. by 7p.m. Met grandparents at the Outback for some delicious steaks and went back to the condo to unpack and get settled.
Thurs-*BIRTHDAY* Woke up and went out to breakfast at IHOP (Note: my grandmother was determined not to cook all vacation so we ate ALOT). Went to the pool and poolside bar for the afternoon to swim and have drinks (see above). I was determined to have a few delicious frozen drinks on my birthday and succeeded by having a delicious strawberry pina colada and peach pina colada *YUM*. We finished off the day with dinner at my favorite Hilton Head restaurant- The Oyster Factory- So I could have some delicious crab cakes and finished the night by watched the movie "Freedom Writers".
Fri- Woke up and went out to breakfast at this cute place called Stacks. Ant had this creme brulee french toast that was to die for! We went back and spent the afternoon poolside and played some pool volleyball which was a lot of fun. We then went and played mini golf with my grandfather which he loves to do because he always beats me! We went back and got ready and had a delicious dinner at one of our favorite spots, Hugos, followed by some delicious pino gelato. *YUM*
Sat- Woke up and went out to breakfast at Stacks again (we really like that place). Came back to the hotel and hungout poolside again before it rained. Got ready and went out for dinner at another cute Italian restaurant called Antonios. We were also bad and went back a second time to pina gelato:)
Sun- Woke up at 5a.m., started on the road by 6a.m. and got home around 7:30p.m.

It was a great vacation and I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with Anthony as we are always running around and super busy and we hardly get to spend time together. It was definitely what I needed to end a very busy summer and a great way to spend my birthday. :)



Unknown said...

that sounds like a delicious vacation!

mmm... peach pina colada! I'm super jealous! sounds amazing!

♥ Dani said...

So glad you had a great birthday and a break from your busy Jersey life! Miss you!