Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 11- My Siblings

Sorry for the lack of posts friends, I have been on vacation and have had a lack of internet access. But I borrowed my grandparents laptop to sneak in a quick entry. So I decided to jump to day 11 and talk about my siblings. Who I love very dearly.

Christopher Arno, or as I call Chris, is my wonderful 27 year old older brother. As Chris and I are relatively close in age, we have always been close. Whether it was childhood games such as hide and seek or tag or being there throughout the numerous difficult times we experienced as children, we have always been there for one another and I have always valued my relationship with him. However, we are complete opposites. Chris is very carefree, a very fun personality. Chris lives by the moment and is always out to have a good time. The only place he is the "fly by the seat of your pants" type of guy is with his beautiful daughter Hannah. Despite the odds of being a teen father and very immature when his daughter was born, he beat the odds and has always been a kind and caring parent to his daughter. I envy him greatly and could not ask for a better brother then him.

Which is where I introduce Kyle Lowell, or as I call Ky, which is my wonderful 16 year old younger brother. Kyle and I were very close when he was little. As my parents both worked full time, I watched Kyle during the summer and he came with me everywhere- work, shopping, and even when spending time with friends. In my younger years I disliked having him around so much, but now I wish he was around more. Kyle is a Jr. in HS and resides with my mother 2 hours north of me. He is an honor student and incredibly smart. He is a member of DECA in school and is very popular (I often say his social life is better than mine). He has lots of friends which I attribute to him being such a kind hearted person. He hopes to go to college at Penn State and I have high hopes of him getting a scholarship since he is such a smart kid. I am very proud of him although he might not know it at times.

I am blessed to have two talented, smart and wonderful brothers that I would not trade in for the world. My only hope is that one day they will marry some wonderful women and give me some wonderful sister in laws. :)

<3 Nik


♥ Dani said...

Aww so sweet! You do have awesome brothers! Lovin' the new blog look, btw. Nice colors! We have to catch up when you're back from your trip!

Unknown said...

You do have great brothers!
and I second the hot looking blog!