Friday, August 24, 2007

First blog

hey everyone!
this is my first blog on this website, kind of exciting! so I guess to start I will write a little information about myself. I am Nik, 21 y/o originally from Northern NJ, now living in Central NJ. I recently graduated with a bachelors degree in Social work with a minor in Health Studies. I am going back to school come September to complete a one year graduate social work program, specializing in Children and Families studies. I just started an internship at a nursing home, working as a paid social work assistant, which is nice considering it is my first job in the field since finished my degree. I have a great boyfriend, who i have been with for five months now and he is wonderful. That is pretty much my life as of this point in time. I joined this site to keep touch with my five best friends who are becoming scattered all over the east coast due to new jobs and new lives. Hopefully this site will help us all keep touch!
until my next blog..


Katya said...


♥ Dani said...

I'm so glad you're posting, too! This is going to be such a great way to keep in touch. <3 u!