Sunday, August 26, 2007


Hey there,

so far so good when it comes to blogging. I never thought i'd remember to blog 3 days in a row! haha look at me! so today has been pretty good. i have sundays off so i tend to end up spending the day sitting on my ass watching lifetime movies and just playing on the computer. Today was a little more eventful though, i atleast got to catch up with a few of u on the phone today! yayy the only one i missed was u katie, so be expecting a call from me soon! i still can't believe everything is changing so much for everyone! We are going to be all scattered across the east coast. crazy i tell ya. but i am happy for everyone, getting jobs and everything. Looks like adulthood is finally starting for us ladies.

As for me, I have my second day at my internship tomorrow. It is the old interns last day and the last day of me interning without pay so it should be interesting. I am nervous, I love learning new things, but it so hard when you seem to be the other person around you learning new things and everyone else seems to have their shit together. Plus my supervisor is going to be out of the office thursday so i have no idea what i am going to do. I think she expects me to be ready to roll on thursday on my own, however I don't think 3 days of training is enough to do things without her, regardless of how smart I am. hah anyway I'll make sure to blog tomorrow and let you know how my second day goes, after work that is since i am going to be working as an elf 5-11.
love you all!


♥ Dani said...

Haha, you were watching Lifetime movies when we talked! After we got off the phone, I watched "Bridezillas" on WE. So fun, lol.

Katya said...

Yay a call from you! Let us know how the supervisorless day goes (went?)! I believe in you!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed our little chat on my lunch break!!

Isn't it crazy to think WE ARE ADULTS?!?!

When the hell did that happen?
I feel like it was yesterday when you and I shared a study hall and wrote notes for the entire class!!