Saturday, August 25, 2007

Life as an elf

So ladies, my latest dilemma in life has been about my job as an elf at the good ole Christmas Tree Shops. For those of you reading this that have never heard of the store, it's a year round seasonal store that has all sorts of home goods, not just holiday stuff. It is kind of like a walmart or kmart, just a little fancier i suppose. anyway, i have been working this since last October and have been so undecided as to whether I wanted to keep it as a side job through grad school or if i should quit. So, as I told KJ the other day, I had decided to quit on Thursday due to the fact that I was annoyed with the job and didn't want to deal with going from one job to another all the time like I did all year last school year. However, I went in today and spoke with HR and it looks like I am going to keep the job, only work 1/2 days a week to keep myself from going absolutely crazy. Hopefully I made a good choice. I hate that in between feeling on not knowing which way to go with a decision. very confusing. anyway, that is my latest confusion in life. Other than trying to figure out when I am going to have the money and time to go to the laundramat to clean the enormous piles of laundry I have that are taking over my room. I'll write more tomorrow.. time for bed:). I'm a big fan of these blogs ladies.. just as long as we don't discontinue our emails and snail mail!


♥ Dani said...

Oh, the laundromat. ;) If you think you can handle it, do it baby.. but if it gets to be too much don't even hesitate to drop it! You NEED your free time TOO for your sanity!

Katya said...

I agree with Dani. If it gets to be too much, just quit. I totally know what you mean by "that in between feeling"- it definitely sucks.