Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I seem to not have the patience to think of good titles, so the day with have to do. Yesterday was such a busy day.. I worked at the nursing home from 830-4 and worked at the store 5-11 so I unfortunately did not find time to blog. My second day at the nursing home went well. I really think I am going to like it there, it will just take me some time to learn everything I need to learn. Work at the store went okay too. Nothing exciting I suppose just a long day and I came home and went right to sleep. Today I am lucky and have the day off so I am gonna lounge around. My dad is coming down to drop off Ants car so I am excited to see him,even if it is just for a few minutes. I will write more later when something more exciting happens.

1 comment:

♥ Dani said...

Yay, his car is finally fixed? That must be nice for you to have yours to yourself again. :) I can't believe how many hours you worked yesterday.. you poor thing!

It's funny though, because my friend with the job at American Greetings is considering getting a weekend job because she has "too much time on her hands," which totally reminded me of the conversation you and I had the other day! College ruined us, we need to be doing something 24/7 now!