Sunday, October 7, 2007

Been a while

Hey there ladies,

Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. I haven't had much to really write or have the time to really write a lengthy email. Things here are good.. I'm a 1/3 through my semester so that is awesome. I've already written like 6 papers and I have a few due each week so I'm busy doing that amongst everything else. My last day at the Xmas tree shop was last tuesday. Although I kinda miss it because of the people, it was a good decision. I think I might pick up some shifts and go back around the christmas season, but it just wasn't worth it right now. Things as a social work assistant are going really good. It's nice to feel like I really know what I wanna do... finally! I love workin in the rehab/nursing home. I like doing assessments and working on discharge planning. I actually enjoy it and my supervisor seems to think I'm doing awesome which makes it even better. Things with Ant are great.. we've been goin out with my friends every weekend dancing at one of my fav. bars in pt. pleasant and its been a lot of fun. It's nice to be with someone who gets along with my friends and likes to do stuff. He really makes me happy guys.. I can't wait for you to meet him. Anyway, I hope u are all well. I miss you all like crazy.

Love!!! me.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Just Another Monday

Hey there,
It’s been a while so I figured it was time for an entry. Nothing extremely exciting happened last week. I had a good week at work and got my first paycheck! It made me feel like I was interning, but finally getting appreciated for all of my hard work. School was good as well, I am going to have a lot of work to do, but I think I am going to enjoy the program a lot so I’m excited to dig into everything. I have some good ideas for my projects and have clients I want to use for my assessment so it will be interesting. All is good at home and with Ant. Ant, Jaim and myself went out to dinner Saturday night to the Olive Garden and had a good time. Other than that my weekend was pretty uneventful as well. I guess I have nothing to really update on, but I hope all is well with you guys and that you find time to update soon! *Nik*

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Hey everyone!
Happy Birthday to me! yay! I talked to/got messages/got cards from most of you, so thank you for that! With our busy schedules it means a lot to me that you remembered. I have been excited all week for my birthday and I'm happy to say I overall had a good weekend. Yesterday Ant and I went to Lindsay's wedding. Actually we went to the reception. The wedding was in Newark and we took a wrong turn and got so lost that we didn't even make it to the wedding. Therefore, we went to the reception. She looked beautiful. I am very happy for her and I wish her the best. It was nice to be able to see her and wish her well. Afterwards, Me, Ant and a bunch of my friends went out to this shore bar and went dancing. It was a lot of fun, I had a good time. Today we pretty much just hung around and relaxed, which is what I really wanted to do. Ant surprised me with a nice card and a cake so we made a nice dinner and ate cake while watching the VMAs. He really is the best boyfriend I could ask for and I had a nice birthday. Now back to reality and heading to bed early to get sleep for work at the nursing home tomorrow.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Quick Post

Hey everybody!
Sorry for the lack of posting in a week. This first week back to school has been crazy and busy. So I have like 2 minutes before I have to leave for class so I figured I'd type up a quick entry. I've been to 3 out of my 5 classes, going to the last 2 today. And they all seem pretty cool. The work isn't too bad and the professors seem really cool. So so far, I'm excited! I interned Wednesday and Thursday and am doing really well I think. I picked up the assessments really fast and I'm already doing things on my own so I think that is a good sign. I think my boss is pleased, atleast I hope! This is the first moment that I am realizing that my past internships have paid off by providing me with experience in the field and I feel like it is coming to me a little easier. Anyway, things are okay here. I am excited for the weekend and for my birthday! I have Lindsay's wedding to attend Saturday and I am going to a shore bar with my boy and the girls Saturday night so that should be fun. Oh and Sue, thank you for the bday card! I love it.. u know how I am about cards! I'll hopefully get to write a more exciting entry this weekend filling u all in on what goes on. Hope all is well! post more entries ladies!!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Another Day

Hey there...
It's been a few days since I have written so I figured it was time for a new entry. Ant got all of the paperwork figured out for his new car yesterday and it is finally on the road! yay.. we were both excited to have all the car nonsense finally figured out. So we decided to take a lil road trip to see how the car runs and took a ride up to the Garden State Plaza to visit his sister at work. It was nice.. I did not feel like sitting inside doing nothing, especially since I have off until school starts Tuesday so I have nothing to do really. We walked around the mall after we saw her and ate some pizza for dinner. All and all it was a good night. Other than that, I worked wednesday and thursday at CareOne which went fine. It is interesting how I'm not nearly as nervous as I have been at my past internships. I guess I am finally gettin some experience in the field and learning some stuff. Well I'm gonna go back to watchin my exciting episode of law and order and figure out what we are gonna make for dinner. Hope all is good with u ladies and gettin ready to start the new jobs!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I seem to not have the patience to think of good titles, so the day with have to do. Yesterday was such a busy day.. I worked at the nursing home from 830-4 and worked at the store 5-11 so I unfortunately did not find time to blog. My second day at the nursing home went well. I really think I am going to like it there, it will just take me some time to learn everything I need to learn. Work at the store went okay too. Nothing exciting I suppose just a long day and I came home and went right to sleep. Today I am lucky and have the day off so I am gonna lounge around. My dad is coming down to drop off Ants car so I am excited to see him,even if it is just for a few minutes. I will write more later when something more exciting happens.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Hey there,

so far so good when it comes to blogging. I never thought i'd remember to blog 3 days in a row! haha look at me! so today has been pretty good. i have sundays off so i tend to end up spending the day sitting on my ass watching lifetime movies and just playing on the computer. Today was a little more eventful though, i atleast got to catch up with a few of u on the phone today! yayy the only one i missed was u katie, so be expecting a call from me soon! i still can't believe everything is changing so much for everyone! We are going to be all scattered across the east coast. crazy i tell ya. but i am happy for everyone, getting jobs and everything. Looks like adulthood is finally starting for us ladies.

As for me, I have my second day at my internship tomorrow. It is the old interns last day and the last day of me interning without pay so it should be interesting. I am nervous, I love learning new things, but it so hard when you seem to be the other person around you learning new things and everyone else seems to have their shit together. Plus my supervisor is going to be out of the office thursday so i have no idea what i am going to do. I think she expects me to be ready to roll on thursday on my own, however I don't think 3 days of training is enough to do things without her, regardless of how smart I am. hah anyway I'll make sure to blog tomorrow and let you know how my second day goes, after work that is since i am going to be working as an elf 5-11.
love you all!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Life as an elf

So ladies, my latest dilemma in life has been about my job as an elf at the good ole Christmas Tree Shops. For those of you reading this that have never heard of the store, it's a year round seasonal store that has all sorts of home goods, not just holiday stuff. It is kind of like a walmart or kmart, just a little fancier i suppose. anyway, i have been working this since last October and have been so undecided as to whether I wanted to keep it as a side job through grad school or if i should quit. So, as I told KJ the other day, I had decided to quit on Thursday due to the fact that I was annoyed with the job and didn't want to deal with going from one job to another all the time like I did all year last school year. However, I went in today and spoke with HR and it looks like I am going to keep the job, only work 1/2 days a week to keep myself from going absolutely crazy. Hopefully I made a good choice. I hate that in between feeling on not knowing which way to go with a decision. very confusing. anyway, that is my latest confusion in life. Other than trying to figure out when I am going to have the money and time to go to the laundramat to clean the enormous piles of laundry I have that are taking over my room. I'll write more tomorrow.. time for bed:). I'm a big fan of these blogs ladies.. just as long as we don't discontinue our emails and snail mail!

Friday, August 24, 2007

First blog

hey everyone!
this is my first blog on this website, kind of exciting! so I guess to start I will write a little information about myself. I am Nik, 21 y/o originally from Northern NJ, now living in Central NJ. I recently graduated with a bachelors degree in Social work with a minor in Health Studies. I am going back to school come September to complete a one year graduate social work program, specializing in Children and Families studies. I just started an internship at a nursing home, working as a paid social work assistant, which is nice considering it is my first job in the field since finished my degree. I have a great boyfriend, who i have been with for five months now and he is wonderful. That is pretty much my life as of this point in time. I joined this site to keep touch with my five best friends who are becoming scattered all over the east coast due to new jobs and new lives. Hopefully this site will help us all keep touch!
until my next blog..