Friday, August 31, 2007

Another Day

Hey there...
It's been a few days since I have written so I figured it was time for a new entry. Ant got all of the paperwork figured out for his new car yesterday and it is finally on the road! yay.. we were both excited to have all the car nonsense finally figured out. So we decided to take a lil road trip to see how the car runs and took a ride up to the Garden State Plaza to visit his sister at work. It was nice.. I did not feel like sitting inside doing nothing, especially since I have off until school starts Tuesday so I have nothing to do really. We walked around the mall after we saw her and ate some pizza for dinner. All and all it was a good night. Other than that, I worked wednesday and thursday at CareOne which went fine. It is interesting how I'm not nearly as nervous as I have been at my past internships. I guess I am finally gettin some experience in the field and learning some stuff. Well I'm gonna go back to watchin my exciting episode of law and order and figure out what we are gonna make for dinner. Hope all is good with u ladies and gettin ready to start the new jobs!


♥ Dani said...

Aw, that's great Nik, I'm glad you and Ant had a good time at the GSP! I MISS that mall! But this week I discovered that there are several big malls in/around Cleveland.. the one I went to dinner at is called the "Great Northern" and it has this AMAZING store called "Archivers." Guess what it is.. ALL SCRAPBOOKING STUFF. High-end, quality materials. You can bet I was in heaven. ;) Can't wait for you to come out and visit! If you want to book your flight now, I'll just make sure to be available whenever is best for you!

♥ Dani said...

LoL. I haven't even moved there yet and I already want you to book a flight. <3

Unknown said...

Oh My God!! GSP is my favorite mall, I love it there. Plus there's a new West Elm right near there in Paramus it's freaking HUGE!!

I know what you mean at work I am comfortable with alot of things at work and they just come naturally, isn't it crazy to think we all might ACTUALLY know what we're doing?!?!

and I know I shouldn't ask you this directly but...
with everyone moving around and stuff I was wondering if your address is still the same??

I'm having trouble keeping track of who moved and who hasn't.... I'm so bad with that stuff!!