Friday, October 1, 2010

This Week


Although the month of September is over and I obviously was unable to keep up with the 30 days of me- I still thought this week, or in my case weekend, would be a fun entry. This is my next couple of days in a nutshell
Friday- Work. My friend's friend is holding a diabetes fundraiser at a local bar so I was possibly going to attend that. Otherwise I am going to finish cleaning up the house which I did a good portion of yesterday.
Saturday- Volunteering at the annual Family Fun Day at work. I am unsure of exactly which station I am going to be assigned to but I am sure it will be very busy. Saturday night I am going to my friend Heather's house from college and a bunch of my college girlfriends are getting together for dinner and drinkies.
Sunday- Running errands, food shopping, cleaning up rest of house, picking up outdoor furniture we lent to a friend and get it stored away for winter, clean out closets and finish laundry. Oh and I plan to update my wedding binder and print out the different examples of dresses I like for the big dress shop in 2 weeks. Thats about it for now:)

xoxo Nik

Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

So I am taking a short break from the "30 days of me" to break down my much needed birthday vaca last week. For my big 2-5, Anthony and I met my grandparents in Hilton Head,
SC from Weds-Sun to get some time off from work and life in NJ. Here is how our days off turned out:
Weds- Woke up at 4a.m., starting on the road by 5a.m. Stopped a few times along the way and ended up in S.C. by 7p.m. Met grandparents at the Outback for some delicious steaks and went back to the condo to unpack and get settled.
Thurs-*BIRTHDAY* Woke up and went out to breakfast at IHOP (Note: my grandmother was determined not to cook all vacation so we ate ALOT). Went to the pool and poolside bar for the afternoon to swim and have drinks (see above). I was determined to have a few delicious frozen drinks on my birthday and succeeded by having a delicious strawberry pina colada and peach pina colada *YUM*. We finished off the day with dinner at my favorite Hilton Head restaurant- The Oyster Factory- So I could have some delicious crab cakes and finished the night by watched the movie "Freedom Writers".
Fri- Woke up and went out to breakfast at this cute place called Stacks. Ant had this creme brulee french toast that was to die for! We went back and spent the afternoon poolside and played some pool volleyball which was a lot of fun. We then went and played mini golf with my grandfather which he loves to do because he always beats me! We went back and got ready and had a delicious dinner at one of our favorite spots, Hugos, followed by some delicious pino gelato. *YUM*
Sat- Woke up and went out to breakfast at Stacks again (we really like that place). Came back to the hotel and hungout poolside again before it rained. Got ready and went out for dinner at another cute Italian restaurant called Antonios. We were also bad and went back a second time to pina gelato:)
Sun- Woke up at 5a.m., started on the road by 6a.m. and got home around 7:30p.m.

It was a great vacation and I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with Anthony as we are always running around and super busy and we hardly get to spend time together. It was definitely what I needed to end a very busy summer and a great way to spend my birthday. :)


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 11- My Siblings

Sorry for the lack of posts friends, I have been on vacation and have had a lack of internet access. But I borrowed my grandparents laptop to sneak in a quick entry. So I decided to jump to day 11 and talk about my siblings. Who I love very dearly.

Christopher Arno, or as I call Chris, is my wonderful 27 year old older brother. As Chris and I are relatively close in age, we have always been close. Whether it was childhood games such as hide and seek or tag or being there throughout the numerous difficult times we experienced as children, we have always been there for one another and I have always valued my relationship with him. However, we are complete opposites. Chris is very carefree, a very fun personality. Chris lives by the moment and is always out to have a good time. The only place he is the "fly by the seat of your pants" type of guy is with his beautiful daughter Hannah. Despite the odds of being a teen father and very immature when his daughter was born, he beat the odds and has always been a kind and caring parent to his daughter. I envy him greatly and could not ask for a better brother then him.

Which is where I introduce Kyle Lowell, or as I call Ky, which is my wonderful 16 year old younger brother. Kyle and I were very close when he was little. As my parents both worked full time, I watched Kyle during the summer and he came with me everywhere- work, shopping, and even when spending time with friends. In my younger years I disliked having him around so much, but now I wish he was around more. Kyle is a Jr. in HS and resides with my mother 2 hours north of me. He is an honor student and incredibly smart. He is a member of DECA in school and is very popular (I often say his social life is better than mine). He has lots of friends which I attribute to him being such a kind hearted person. He hopes to go to college at Penn State and I have high hopes of him getting a scholarship since he is such a smart kid. I am very proud of him although he might not know it at times.

I am blessed to have two talented, smart and wonderful brothers that I would not trade in for the world. My only hope is that one day they will marry some wonderful women and give me some wonderful sister in laws. :)

<3 Nik

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 3- My Parents


I skipped over day 2 and went right on to day 3 as there has been a tremendous amount of changes in my life with my parents the last few years. My parents were recently officially divorced, but only after many long months of mediation, aggravation, and court fees. It has been a hard adjustment on me as well as I brothers and it has definitely been something we have had to get used to. I feel often that my parents are very focused on their adjustments that ours are overlooked. But despite that, I feel I have worked it out well on my own and am finally starting to get used to the whole idea of "christmas at moms" and "christmas at dads". But I have been putting in an increased effort in spending time with both of them and trying to keep the lines of communication open. So yes.. this is my parents. Or should I say.. my mom and dad.


Day 1- Introduce

What better way to start then to introduce myself, although the few that read this already know me VERY well.

My name is Nikki, I am 24 (25 in a week) year old female with brown hair and brown eyes. I graduated in 2008 from Monmouth University with my masters in Social Work focusing on Children and Families. I have been working since graduation for a nursing home as a Subacute Social Worker and love what I do. I may not love the place I work on occasion, but I love the type of work. The elderly population is great to with and I am constantly learning things from my patients. I got engaged this past March to the love of my life, Anthony, and am having a great time planning our wedding for October 8, 2011. I reside at the Jersey Shore and although I never go to the beach I love it here. I am fun spirited, loving and passionate person. That is me:)

30 days

Hi all-
So I have been trying to find more reasons to write. I got this from Dani and figured I would do my best to follow some of the days and that it would help give me ideas to write about. I might not do them in order though. So heres the lineup:

Day 01 – Introduce
Day 02 – Your first love
Day 03 – Your parents
Day 04 – What you ate today
Day 05 – Your definition of loveDay
Day 06 – Your day
Day 07 – Your best friend
Day 08 – A moment
Day 09 – Your beliefs
Day 10 – What you wore today
Day 11 – Your siblings
Day 12 – What’s in your bag
Day 13 – This week
Day 14 – What you wore today
Day 15 – Your dreams
Day 16 – Your first kiss
Day 17 – Your favorite memory
Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Day 19 – Something you regret
Day 20 – This month
Day 21 – Another moment
Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
Day 25 – A first
Day 26 – Your fears
Day 27 – Your favorite place
Day 28 – Something that you miss
Day 29 – Your aspirations
Day 30 – One last moment

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten.. but on Tuesday this time.

I have been trying very hard to keep up with blogging and thinking up clever things to write about. But unfortunately, it is not working out so well. So I am trying out another ten.. but on Tuesday this time rather than Saturday. Let's see how I do :)

1. Tomorrow I heading to Camden to see Rihanna with some girlfriends from work. I haven't been to a concert in a few years so I am super excited!
2. Friday I am heading to Lake George to go Bridesmaid dress/shoe shopping with my favorite ladies. I am really looking forward to seeing them and spending time with them.
3. Last week I found out from my father that he is getting remarried- so I guess I have another wedding to add to my planner in the next year.
4. Last Saturday I spent the day with my cousin-in-law Jackii and nieces Ava and Adrianna. Her girls are so fantastic and I especially love spending quality time with the baby Ava- she just melts my heart<3.
5. I went to drs. last Thursday and found only good news... which is the best news I have received in a while.
6. I put the new bedspread set that Ant and I got from our engagement party from his stepfather last week- and let me tell you it is all fluffy and is getting me excited for cold weather snuggling!
7. I watched the movie She's Out of my League or whatever it is called on Sunday night and I recommend it to all- very funny!
8. I have been suffering the last 2 days with some horrible bug bites from being out over the weekend- ick!
9. My netflix movie Remember Me came in the mailbox yesterday and I am very excited to watch some sexy Robert Pattinson!
10. My birthday is next month- the big 2 5- and I am very excited to start planning some quality time with Ant has we both took a few days off.

Yay I made it to 10! Hopefully more soon if I get creative. <3

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Upcoming weekend


I cannot believe it is already Thursday. The weeks have been flying by lately that before I know it the week comes and goes and then before I know it again the weekend has come and gone. These past few weeks especially have been grueling. Between numerous doctors appts and my work life I feel like my social/personal life is a lull. So tomorrow after work I have decided to head up to my moms for some much needed R&R. Hannah my niece will be there Friday night as well and she always brings an extra something when I am there. She is such a smart, beautiful little girl and I truly value any extra time I can get since she lives 2 hours away and our time together is scarce. So yes, that is my weekend plan. Next week is another busy week of more drs appts and long work days. lets all cross our fingers for good news and good things to follow.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ten on Saturday

So one of my wonderful best friends Sue has been doing a blog entitled "Ten on Tuesday" which discusses Ten eventful or superb things that have occurred in the last weeks time. I decided to join in the fun- however figured I would change it to Saturdays.

1. I have decided to start blogging again this week as I haven't added an entry since 2007. I am very hopeful I can follow through on it.
2. It was my wonderful fiance's birthday this past week- Happy Birthday Anthony!
3. Today I am attending my soon to be sister-in-laws first Passion Party hosting. We discovered Passion Parties at a bridal show we went to and I thought it would be fun to host. We held the part a few months ago and had a good time. Such a good time in fact she decided to become a consultant. Today will be the first party where she is running the show.
4. After the party, with a few friends Anthony and I are heading to AC for his birthday for some gambling- lets hope we win big (referring to the debt discussed in last entry)
5. I got a text this afternoon that one my wonderful best friends discussed above was admitted to the hospital again with some disease complications. I will continue to hope and pray for a speedy recovery.
6. Per the knot, I get married in 434 days. woohoo!
7. I spent a good portion of my Saturday afternoon watching the Pirates of the Caribbean triology- got to love me some Jack Sparrow!
8. I ordered the final piece to my beautiful new bedding set that Anthony's stepfather bought us as an engagement gift offline last week. And it came in the mail today! yay

okay so I made it to 8. I am having writers block on the final 2. But I will do better next week. I am going to close out todays blog with some much needed advice- I am looking to get a part time second job during the holiday season to hopefully assist with the whole debt situation (Anthony and I hope to have our names mostly cleared by the wedding which is a very hard thing to do). Any recommendations on the best places to apply?


Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm Back

It has been since 2007 since I have written so I am not sure if anyone is even following me anymore. But I feel lately that blogging could do me some good so I am back. Ever have those days, weeks, or months where you feel so much anxiety and uncertainty that you don't know anything else to do but write? Well that is where I am. With all of the happiness that I should be feeling I do not know why I feel this way. But I seem to be bringing out the negative aspects of my life lately. For example, I am getting married in October 2011 which should be an exciting part of my life, right? Well instead of feeling the excitement, I keep thinking of the struggles. Struggles with our family dynamics, finances and the overall stressors that come along with wedding planning and moving forward. The finances being the biggest part. I think we can all agree that being in enormous forms of debt is never a good feeling. And although how hard we work, it feels we can never get out. I need to get out of this dark zone and get back to feelin like me. So like I said, I have high hopes that some additionally blogging will help get me back to me.
